About the Foundation

The Foundation for Pneumoconiosis Research was established on 17 December 1981, with the aim of supporting and promoting research in the field of pneumoconiosis. Its establishment was the result of a donation from Professor Jacques Rüttner (1917-1991), who was a professor of pathological anatomy from 1970 to 1987 at the university of zurich . One of Jacques Rüttner’s main interest was pneumoconiosis and, in particular, silicosis and asbestosis. He served as President of the Zurich Working Group for the Study and Control of Pneumoconiosis (SILAG) from 1956 onwards 

[Heitz PU: Pathologie von A bis Z. Neujahrsblatt auf das Jahr 2016; Nr. 227].

Foundation purpose

The foundation aims to fulfil its objectives by issuing grants in instances where funding cannot be procured from public funds for the purchase of instruments, apparatus, books, professional journals, for the payment of research staff salaries and ensuring the social security of the staff, to support of interdisciplinary research projects and to enable staff to attend conferences.